Magic in Hastings Old Town.
30th April 2010 - a boring corner in Hastings Old Town |
1st May 2010 the same corner next morning |
The corner by the King’s head pub in the Old Town, highly visible as you drive north up the Bourne has, for years, been bleak and boring, and so it was. Friday night 30th April, then, to welcome in May Day, Saturday morning however an amazing transformation had taken place overnight. Well-known Old-Towner Dee Day White, whose finger is usually on the pulse of the Old Town, just happened to be passing as the photos were being taken was asked what he knew about it and his reply was "Dunno who put it there, must have been magic or the fairies" A year ago a similar garden appeared 'by magic' at the High Street end of Courthouse Street. And how much did these works of public art, these outdoor ‘installations’ cost the public purse? Not a penny, but rumours suggest that Skinners Sheds, Trade Paints, Stamco, Winchesters, and Littlewoods Fencing may have magically donated in kind and was it a coincidence that one of Robert Morgan’s lorries was spotted in the vicinity? Other rumours suggest that local fishermen and the Old Town Community may have supplied the artefacts and murals on display. |
High Street end of Courthouse Street
This article first appeared in issue 29 of "Hastings Town" |
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